Why does anyone choose to do something that makes other people gasp and question their sanity?  

Why does someone voluntarily choose to sacrifice their time, effort, energy and money to do something that they don’t need to do? 

Why do people train through the pain and find themselves at a start line, ready to spend weeks in some of the most dangerous environments imaginable without support? Why do people decide to row an ocean? 

Let’s ask our team and find out their WHY?

  • I have always wanted to do something out of the ordinary but for one reason or another he never committed to doing it. After a change in personal circumstances and after following WTR for a few years, now is my time to push myself to my limit physically and mentally and I cannot wait for the challenge to begin. The RNRMC was always a charity I was going to raise for being ex-Navy myself. I personally know some colleagues and families who have struggled whether it be during active service or when then have left and the RNRMC have stood up and supported them. I was proud to have served my country and I would be delighted if we can raise money to help them with their continued support of our sailors, marines, and their families. Mind, Body & Sole was another charity I feel strongly about as it supports mental health. The subject is not as taboo as it was say 20 years ago however charities like MBS are breaking the stigma and I am all for this and especially the support they give! Everyone can probably say they have felt anxious or even have had mental health issues or at least know someone who has – and not knowing where to turn. Raising awareness of the Mind, Body & Sole charity is massive and so is raising funds for them. If we somehow manage to help or save one person then the race has been more than worth it!

    Will Mackie

  • Both MND Scotland & Mind, Body and Sole are organisations doing great work for causes which have affected me personally over the last few years. Since 2020, 3 friends, all under 40, have sadly taken their own lives due to mental health issues. This has become a commonplace issue which is affecting us all. MB&S is doing outstanding work within UK communities to help highlight the ongoing mental health crisis we face today, offering support to people who may feel uneasy talking aloud. MND Scotland is an organisation which I donate to monthly. I have a close friend, an ex-servicemen, who is suffering with MND at this time. There are no cures at present but with the work MNDS are doing, committing to care and research,we can hopefully end this disease if we work together.

    Brian Smith

  • The leading cause of death for men under 50 in the UK remains to be suicide. A hard reality of the struggle that many undergo and some don’t make it out of. Having lived through self harm in my youth I know first hand the challenge of trying to keep your head above water when it feels like you’re drowning and an inability to shift the feelings of negativity that can strangle your thoughts. Having sought help and improved my mental health continually over many years I have always wanted to find a way to help others, even just one other person to improve their own mental health and experience the joy of being able to live well.  Like many others I lean on physical activity as a way of controlling my own mental state and I am a keen runner and gym goer and champion this as the best way for anyone to improve their own mental health. For many, including myself in the past, this is not enough though and that is where charities like Mind, Body & Sole are invaluable. Being able to provide support in a crisis to men and women who need it is a vital service and one that often goes unappreciated apart from by the people that need it most. Their unique approach to combining their love of street fashion with their desire to help as a way of making funds is a fantastic idea and one I am privileged to be able to support. Grassroots organisations like this are a lifeline to those who need them and should be supported wherever possible. The world’s toughest row gives me the perfect opportunity to couple my love of training and physical exertion with my desire to raise awareness and funds for mental health and I hope the experience not only allows me to further escape some of my own struggles but puts me in a position where I have been successful enough whereby I feel worthy to share my experience with others in the future and help someone else improve their own wellbeing.

    Stuart Ward